In this article, we will provide information about the ICP Coin price prediction, one of the popular cryptocurrencies of the last period, comments and price predictions. If you want to include ICP Coin in your portfolio, this article is for you.
Table of Contents
What is ICP Coin?
ICP Coin is a cryptocurrency produced as part of the Internet Computer project. Produced by a Swiss-based non-profit organization, ICP Coin provides financial transactions of the Internet Computer network. The project has quite different purposes compared to other cryptocurrencies.
Thanks to Internet Computer ICP Coin, it aimed to solve the problems related to scaling data with smart contract calculations. The project tried to fulfill this goal by running data at the speed of websites, and by performing storage and data processing tasks efficiently. In this context, powerful software frameworks are presented to developers. In addition, the project has the distinction of being the first blockchain technology to promise unlimited capacity.
As you can imagine, ICP Coin is currently used for different purposes. ICP Coin, which has recently been listed on major exchanges such as Binance, has greatly affected the cryptocurrency markets. Investors took advantage of the increase in value of ICP Coin and included ICP Coin in their portfolios.
Due to the increase in the number of people investing in ICP Coin, questions such as how the future of ICP Coin will be, how many dollars will be the ICP Token, and how are the price predictions for ICP Coin over the years have begun to be asked. For this reason, we, as AccountDelete, have done a detailed research for people who want to invest in ICP Coin and shared it with you.
ICP Coin Supply
The supply of ICP is determined as 475 million units. We can say that the price of ICP is quite reasonable compared to the total supply.
ICP Coin Price Forecast
If you want to invest in ICP Coin for the long term, you may be wondering about Internet Computer price predictions.
In the continuation of our article, we shared the price predictions and comments made by experts for ICP Coin. However, we must state beforehand that we have nothing to do with this ICP price prediction. These price predictions were made by influential names in the cryptocurrency markets, taking into account various parameters. Therefore, if you are planning to invest in ICP Coin for the long term, we advise you to be very careful.
ICP Coin Review
ICP Coin has many members on platforms such as TradingView and Investing. However, ICP Coin also has a lot of supporters in the markets. For this reason, we can encounter quite a lot of comments about ICP Coin.
When we examined the ICP Coin comments, we saw that there were quite a few positive comments. According to experts, ICP Coin is a coin that has a future and can show tremendous rises in the near future.
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ICP Coin Which Country?
ICP Coin was founded by a Swiss-based non-profit foundation. So ICP Coin belongs to Switzerland.
Where to Buy ICP Coin?
If you are wondering where to buy ICP Coin, you can use our table below. Since the data such as ICP price and volume in the table are the data of ICP Coin in the stock markets, you can learn the stock exchanges you can choose and buy ICP Coin in a short time.
Whose ICP Coin?
ICP is owned by the DFINITY Foundation. DFINITY Foundation released this cryptocurrency on May.21.2016. This foundation is a Swiss-based non-profit organization and is based in Palo Alto San Francisco, Zurich, etc. supervises research centers located in cities.
ICP Coin Burn
A burn is not expected in ICP Coin in the near future. Experts think that burning will not happen in this cryptocurrency for a long time. Because this cryptocurrency is one of the projects with the least supply among other cryptocurrencies.
What Is the ICP Coin Price Prediction?
Below, we have shared the price predictions about ICP Coin by years. Cryptocurrency experts benefited from technical analysis results and fundamental analysis data while predicting the price of this cryptocurrency. Therefore, the ICP price may not reach the expected prices within the specified year.
ICP Coin Price Prediction 2022
When we come to 2022, a tremendous rise is expected in ICP Coin. Experts’ ICO Coin price prediction is around $40 for 2022.
ICP Coin Price Prediction 2023
ICP Coin is expected to continue its rise in 2023. The experts’ ICO Coin price prediction is in the $55 band. The increase in demands, especially in preparation for a possible bull season, may increase this figure even more.
ICP Coin Price Prediction 2024
ICP Coin is expected to continue its upward trend in 2024. ICO Coin price prediction is $60 for the year 2024.
ICP Coin Price Prediction 2025
When we come to 2025, it is predicted that ICP Coin will decrease somewhat. The ICO Coin price prediction is $48 for the year 2025.
ICP Coin Price Prediction 2026
When we come to 2026, ICP Coin is expected to gain value again. The experts’ ICO Coin price prediction is $55 for the year 2026.
ICP Coin Price Prediction 2027
In 2027, it is predicted that ICP Coin will show sideways movement for a while. The experts’ ICO Coin price prediction is $58 for the year 2027.
ICP Coin Price Prediction 2028
ICP Coin is expected to reach as high as $80 in 2028. The ICO Coin price prediction is $75 for the year 2028. In fact, coin burning is not expected until this time, but if the coin is burned at the same time, this figure may increase even more.
ICP Coin Price Prediction 2029
ICP Coin is expected to continue its upward trend in 2029. The experts’ ICO Coin price prediction is $90 for the year 2029.
ICP Coin Price Prediction 2030
By 2030, ICP Coin is expected to exceed $100. The experts’ ICO Coin price prediction is $105 for the year 2030. Thus, it is thought that ICP Coin will be among the top 25 most valuable coins.
Any information we provide about ICP Coin in this article does not constitute investment advice. Making a decision to invest in ICP Coin based on the information contained herein may result in serious losses.