After the expansion of WhatsApp as a messaging app , other free apps emerged with many more security options, such as Telegram. Of course, deleting the Telegram account is a simple process, which we will explain to you in this guide .
Permanently Delete my Telegram Account
It is possible to completely delete your Telegram account , so that no data is saved. Let’s remember that it is associated with your mobile device, so it is important that you check if some of your contacts are correctly added on your SIM card and not only on Telegram .
Start by going to this link and add your number associated with Telegram , confirming in “Next”.
You will receive in your Telegram a code of numbers and letters that you must enter in the previous window.
After that, you will see something like the one shown in the image, which asks you in English if you really want to delete the Telegram account . Confirm with “Done”.
Once you press the above, there is no going back, your account will disappear, but not your group messages. Also, your contacts will receive a notification when you create a new Telegram account , in case they have your number added.
It should be noted that, if you do not connect to Telegram in 6 months , your account is automatically deleted , without the need for the previous process.
The alternative that you have left is to access the deactivation link through the Web
And perform the same steps as before, since you will be able to access your Telegram account without any problem.
Of course, when you try to enter the first time, it will send you an activation code to your mobile . Keep this in mind in case you have lost the terminal.
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Delete Telegram from Android and iOS
To delete the application from your phone, just proceed as you would with any other:
Click on the Telegram icon in the applications menu and you will either get the option to “Uninstall” ( Android ) or a red cross ( iOS ).
Drag or tap respectively and Telegram will be completely removed from your device; To delete your account you will have to perform the previous steps.